Sunday, March 1, 2009

5th floor maniac

It all started on a Friday night, the last day of the work week for me. Everything was normal.... well as normal as it gets on a mental ward. It was around 8 o'clock, time to break out the snacks for the patients. Like usual the floor was maxed out with patients. 18 to be exact but with the schizophrenics it was more like 25 patients. Of course like usual for snack time it was either chips, popcorn, Doritos or pretzels, the patients always complained about the lack of choices.

So that's where I was on a Friday night but that was fine by me. The weather outside in the normal world was less then desirable. The weather man on T.V. said it would rain like this for the next day or so. I stood there watching the patients keeping an eye on them. Trust me when I say they need to be watched they need to be WATCHED. On several occasions patients would try to "hook up" on the ward or go off on a wild fit beating up whoever is near them. Sitting there thinking of that I noticed Frank was missing, This was unusual for him. When there was food around for the taking Frank was the first one there. That being said explains why he was so large. Frank was definitely pushing the 450lb-500lb mark. Other then his large stature and gruff looking demeanor, Frank was otherwise a nice guy or so I thought.
I walked down the long hallway, franks room was one of the last one's. I'm pretty sure the doctors did this so frank could get a little work out walking the long hallway in order to get anywhere he wanted to go. I slowly opened his room door to peak inside thinking to myself that maybe he is just sleeping. The room was dark, I had to use the little pen light my wife got me for Christmas. There laying on Franks bed to the far left of the room was.......well Frank.
Before I knew it my shift was over, time to go home.
To BE Continued.......................... Find out what Frank was really doing.

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